E-newsletter 146

Grendon Newsletter
  E-newsletter #146 Tuesday 17th January 2023  

Hello Visitor,

Pupil Mentoring

Once again, our trained Peer Tutors facilitated the very popular Pupil Mentoring initiative. Year 6s met 1:1 with all children from Year 1- 5 just before Christmas, helping them to reflect on and self-assess against a number of varied and interesting statements.

A bar chart of selected responses has been shared with you below to give you an insight into the aspects of learning and development that are discussed and the responses that pupils gave. The outcomes have been carefully analysed at a whole school and individual pupil level and show that, overall, children have an extremely positive attitude towards themselves, others and school.

Mentoring Dec 22

Pupil Mentoring Autumn 2022 Selected


Following complaints to the Community Police Team from a local resident and a parent regarding dangerous and inconsiderate parking near to school, I have attached an advice letter from the local Policing Team which they have asked school to share. It can be read here.

I am also meeting a Community Liaison Officer from the local authority this week to discuss the parking issues that have been raised with them.    

Attendance Policy

I met with a representative of the Education Inclusion Partnership Team (EIPT) earlier this term. The school's Attendance Policy has been updated accordingly and can be found on the school website and here.

It is worth emphasising the following updated sections of the Policy which relate to unauthorised absences and Fixed Penalty Notices.

On advice from NCC’s Education and Inclusion Partnership (EIP) team, the school will report to them any incidences where a child has accumulated a minimum of 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in any 6 week period, whether that is 10 consecutive unauthorised absences or irregular attendance over a six week period totalling 10 unauthorised sessions. The EIP will then apply their Fixed Penalty Code of Conduct, a copy of which is available on the school website in the Policies section.

Consistent with NNC’s Attendance and Enforcement Policy, where a child has had 2 periods of unauthorised leave for which the parent has been issued with a Penalty Notice, on the third occasion, no PN will be issued and that parent will be prosecuted under S444(1) as long as parent was warned that this would happen.

This updated Policy was approved at last week's Govering Body meeting and will be effective from September 2023.

  Grendon Church Of England Primary School
Main Road
Tel: 01933 663208